Peter Doherty – 2011-04-06 – Heroes Bar, Kentish Town, London

Peter played this concert as part of the new bar’s opening week.


1 Time for Heroes 3:09
2 Arcady 2:56
3 Killamangiro 2:26
4 For Lovers 3:10
5 Back From the Dead 2:49
6 Ha Ha Wall 2:08
7 Fixing up to Go 2:35
8 Death on the Stairs 3:21
9 Music When the Lights Go Out 3:42
10 Hooligans on E 1:29
11 Can’t Stand Me Now 3:34
12 What Katie Did 3:22
13 Sheepskin Tearaway 3:02
14 What a Waster 3:45
15 Love Rain O’er Me 1:49
16 UnBiloTitled 2:39
17 Bollywood to Battersea 2:17
18 Good Old Days 3:32
19 Delivery 2:39

Peter Doherty – 2010-04-04 – Ricos Music Club, Greenock, Scotland


1 Can’t Stand Me Now 4:25
2 Good Old Days 3:19
3 Last Of The English Roses 4:44
4 Mockingbird 2:59
5 Death On The Stairs 4:14
6 For Lovers 3:28
7 Arcady 3:43
8 Delivery 3:39
9 Gang Of Gin 4:08
10 Music When The Lights Go Out 3:40
11 Albion 4:47
12 Fuck Forever 6:38

Ricos Music Club [Peter Doherty]

By Beverley Lyons [DAILY RECORD]

Pete Doherty’s secret Scots gig ends in chaos after singer turns up four hours late
PETE Doherty’s latest Scots gig was a near-riot after the star kept fans waiting for almost four hours.

Libertines singer Pete, who has just announced the band will reform for Leeds and Reading festival, performed the special show for friends and family at Greenock pub Ricos on Sunday.
Pete, 31, hadn’t played in the town since 2005 and fans turned rowdy as they waited for hours for the Babyshambles star to arrive from London for the gig.
Three hundred music lovers packed the intimate venue from 8pm in the belief that he would appear on stage shortly after 9pm.
Pete’s manager Adrian Hunter had initially been reluctant to confirm a stage time because of the casual nature of the concert but he advised party-goers to get there for “nine-ish”.
Patient fans made the most of their waiting time by ordering drinks at the bar and cheered on a local act who were there to support the singer.
By 12.30am, however, the crowd were becoming agitated after waiting for more than three hours for Pete.
Many were about to call it a night when Pete arrived by private car at about 12.50am. He accepted an Easter egg from the Razz before heading straight on stage for what was a colourful and energetic 45-minute set.
He was smartly dressed in his favourite tweed suit by Scottish designers Marina Maclean and Che Camille – it’s an outfit he has already worn at Paris Fashion Week and it seems to be stitched on to his back these days. During his performance of anthems including Albion, F*** Forever and Last Of The English Roses, the over-enthusiastic and slightly worse for wear audience tried five times to jump on stage and join Pete as he sipped a pint.
They crowd-surfed over each other to get to the stage, with only one making it to the front before he was swiftly carried off by bouncers.
The oft-troubled singer wasn’t fazed, however, and he made light of the attempts, saying: “Only one person made it onstage. It’s usually more in Scotland.”
Along with manager Adrian, Pete’s ex-girlfriend and the mum of his six-year-old son Astile, Lisa Moorish, also joined in the festivities.
The former Mr Friday Night singer, aka Lisa M, who also has a daughter Molly with Liam Gallagher, told the Razz: “We decided to make a proper weekend of it as Pete performs around the UK.
“I managed to get a babysitter for the kids and it’s been great so far.”
Lisa, 38, also explained why Doherty was late to hit the stage. She said: “We just came up on the train from London then had to go to the hotel and get ready. It’s a real friends and family atmosphere tonight and we’re off to Manchester after this.”
At the end of the gig the frenzied crowd fought one another to get Pete’s guitar, which he threw into the audience at the end of his set. Chaos ensued as venue security tried to keep the situation under control.
Local police were on call outside the venue but for Pete and his gang it was just another night.
Adrian said: “You may have noticed that we got swept up in a bit of Petelemania.
“We all had a blast.”

Peter Doherty – 2009-07-24 – Paleo Festival, Nyon, Switzerland [FM/TV]

Ripped from a radio/internet broadcast.


1 Lady Don’t Fall Backwards 2:35
2 Don’t Look Back Into The Sun 2:26
3 The Man Who Would Be King 3:45
4 New Love Grows On Trees 4:30
5 Music When The Lights Go Out 3:23
6 Last Of The English Roses 6:43
7 What A Waster 3:06
8 The Ballad Of Grimaldi 4:06
9 Sheepskin Tearaway 3:31
10 Hired Gun (Alan Wass cover) / Back From The Dead 5:55
11 1939 Returning 4:00
12 Albion 4:09
12 Albion 4:09
13 What Katie Did 3:41
15 Love Rain O’er Me / Up The Bracket 3:47
16 Beg, Steal Or Borrow 3:04
17 Time For Heroes 3:55

PALÉO FESTIVAL – Nyon, du 21 au 26 juillet 2009

Vendredi au Paléo en compagnie de toute la Suisse romande travailleuse le jour, venue décompresser en musique la nuit, après une semaine de juillet laborieuse. Les travées festives du festival sont bien remplies, à la limite du bouchon, irriguant les scènes d’un flot de mélomanes désireux de décibels, pour la plus belle affiche de la semaine aux goûts de certains et de certaines.

Pour une entrée en matière, d’un côté la chanson française des gars de La Rue Ketanou sous le chapiteau, de l’autre le ska-punk des espagnols de La Pulqueria sur la grande scène, la programmation des lieux se veut variée et européenne, toutefois c’est le pop/rock du français Pep’s qui retient notre attention et celle d’un trop grand nombre de personnes malheureusement incapables de prendre place sous le Club Tent, faute de place, et obligés tant bien que mal de profiter du concert depuis une distance respectable.
Le grenoblois à la guitare électrique fait sensation depuis quelques temps, attirant le feu des projecteurs sur sa musique simple mais efficace, à l’instar de son titre entêtant Mélodie et de son tube radiophonique Liberta, connus par coeur malgré nous. Il plaît à la foule présente à ses pieds, dévoilant le reste de son album ignoré par l’auditeur lambda.

Pas le temps de rester jusqu’au bout, par souci logistique, on préfère anticiper un mouvement de foule et se diriger sous le chapiteau, déjà bien rempli, pour attendre le très people Peter Doherty. En jouant des coudes, on obtient un emplacement décent dans l’axe de la scène, juste de quoi permettre d’être témoin de l’entrée du jeune homme. Seul sur scène, guitare acoustique sous le bras, chapeau boulonné sur sa chevelure brune, l’artiste nous envoie chanson après chanson avec une facilité déconcertante, sans aucune pudeur.
Ce dernier a un secret pour tenir le coup en cet fin d’après-midi estival, une bonne bouteille de vin rouge qu’il ne se prive pas de vider verre par verre, entre chaque morceau. Le jeune anglais livre une prestation entre titres tirés de son propre album solo et ceux appréciés sous l’ère Babyshambles. Le public de groupies est aux anges devant Peter le diablotin, n’hésitant pas à jeter de nombreuses offrandes à leur dieu vivant, soutien-gorges par-ci, chapeaux par-là, tout y passe.
Le musicien ne se laisse pas déconcerter pour autant, jouant à perfection son mélancolique 1939 Returning, son tendre New Love Grows On Trees, son remarquable Arcadie ou encore l’émouvant Salomé. Ambiance intimiste devant plusieurs milliers de personnes, félicitations à Peter Doherty, il fallait le faire.

On se remet tranquillement de la claque Peter Doherty devant une assiette nordique bien copieuse, avec en fond sonore les excités de Ska-P venus faire sauter le Paléo au rythme de leur ska/punk déluré et militant. On aperçoit tantôt le chanteur déguisé en pape pour dénoncer le pouvoir mis en place au Vatican actuellement, tantôt un taureau pour revendiquer l’abolition de la corrida. Les espagnols font le show, apportant un peu de chaleur humaine tout droit débarquée du sud, ravissant les festivaliers jeunes ou moins jeunes.
Anticipant un succès probable de Charlie Winston sous le chapiteau, on se force de le regagner promptement. Cependant, à notre plus grande stupéfaction, la grande tente déborde littéralement de monde, rappliquant pour voir en chair et en os le jeune Hobo. L’anglais, vêtu d’un gilet et portant un chapeau noir, très classe, arrive sur scène dans une frénésie vibrante. Le musicien électrise un auditoire déjà conquis avec son ingénieuse indie/pop, sourires aux lèvres, jouant les titres tout droit sortis de son génial album, Hobo, à l’instar du fédérateur In Your Hands ou de l’archi connu Like A Hobo, chanté en chœur par la foule toute entière. Un climat euphorique pour un concert intense et riche en prouesses scéniques, on pense aux danses originales de l’artiste, à son étonnant solo de human beatbox ou à son petit spectacle aquatique sur tambour. Le jeune anglais donne tout sur scène, allant jusqu’à se faire une petite entaille au visage, après avoir gigoté dans tous les sens pour divertir une assemblée assujettie. Magnifique confirmation de Charlie Winston qui, on en est sûr, fait encore grimper sa cote de sympathie auprès des festivaliers après ce concert mémorable.

Sans transition, fin de soirée musicale sous les beats de l’illustre dj Fatboy Slim, transformant le parterre de la grande scène du Paléo Festival en dancefloor géant. L’anglais fait danser son monde pendant une heure et demie avec des sonorités drum’n’bass, hip-hop ou encore rock, mélangeant les styles et les couleurs pour le meilleur des rendus. Le bonhomme semble minuscule au centre de la monstrueuse structure, heureusement que le show de lumières et autres lasers sur fond de vidéos délirantes occupe l’espace.
Puis, usé, on se décide à terminer notre nuit auprès des loufoques Naïve New Beaters sous le Club Tent. Français d’origine, américains de cœur, le décalé David Boring et ses deux compères farfelus nous envoient un son rétro explosif, sorte de mélange des genres, entre électro et rock, pour un pari sonore gagné. Un show minimaliste appréciable, à prendre obligatoirement au second degré, fait guise de dessert, pour un menu musical goulu des grands vendredi soirs au Paléo Festival.

Peter Doherty – 2009-07-04 – Eurockéennes de Belfort, France [FM]

French Radio Broadcast. Tricky makes an appearance!


1 [intro] France Inter 6:03
2 Don’t Look Back into the Sun 2:27
3 Last of The English Roses / Time for Heroes 6:55
4 Hired Gun (Alan Wass cover) / Back from the Dead 4:27
5 Arcady 3:13
6 Billie Jean (Michael Jackon cover) 1:45
7 Music when the Lights go out 3:03
8 Can’t stand me now 4:30
9 Smashing 3:40
10 Death On The Stairs 3:22
12 Killamangiro / A Message To Rudy (The Specials cover) / 007 Shanty Town (Desmond Dekker cover) / The Man who would be king 9:20
13 You Talk / Needle and Damage Done (Neil Young cover) 5:59
14 The Ballad Of Grimaldi 4:54
15 Albion 4:49
15 For Lovers (feat. Tricky) 3:14

Pete Doherty – Belfort [Eurockéennes – Chapiteau] – samedi 04 juillet 2009

Assister à un concert de Peter Doherty c’est désormais quitte ou double. Capable du meilleur comme du pire rien n’est jamais certain. Mais on lui donne (et on lui donnera) encore sa chance. Parce que ce type, malgré toutes ces frasques, a un talent rare. Une écriture précieuse, un sens de la mélodie particulier, un artiste unique.
Son excellent premier album solo en poche, il tourne donc seul, en acoustique, les balloches sur la table. Rien pour se rattraper, rien pour cacher d’éventuelles fêlures. Exercice encore plus casse gueule pour un type à l’état fluctuant. Et bien cette fois, il mettra tout le monde d’accord, excellent comme rarement! D’entrée il a l’air en forme, réveillé et clean en arrivant de sa démarche habituelle de dandy nonchalant. Jean, polo Fred Perry et chapeau de paille.
Reste à voir le set. Il annoncera la couleur directement en balançant le single des Libertines “Don’t Look Back In The Sun”. Ca s’annonce très bien! En voix, plein d’énergie, entrainant. Le public est soufflé et rassuré. Un morceau de son album solo puis c’est l’avalanche. Des tubes des Libertines et des Babyshambles comme s’il en pleuvait. “Time For Heroes”, “Can’t Stand Me Now”, “The Man Who Would Be King”, “Albion”… Morceaux toujours aussi pertinents malgré ce dépouillement maximum. Preuve d’une qualité d’écriture exceptionnelle en passant… Le public reprend les refrains en choeur, l’ambiance tendue d’avant concert se mute en une communion rigolarde. Mission accomplie.
Finalement, seuls deux morceaux de Grace/Wasteland seront joués. Le reste étant composé de reprises. Tout d’abord, un hommage improvisé à Michael Jackson par un “Billy Jean” repris par le public. Puis un medley anglais avec en vrac les Specials, Skatalites puis une reprise de Neil Young.
La seule ombre au tableau fut un duo avec Tricky et sa voix pénible, faible et insupportable…

Pete Doherty Belfort [Eurockéennes – Chapiteau] – Saturday 04 July 2009

Attending a Peter Doherty concert is now a quit or double. Capable of the best or the worst nothing is ever certain. But he is being given (and will be) given a chance again. Because this guy, despite all these escapades, has a rare talent. A precious writing, a particular sense of melody, a unique artist. His excellent first solo album in his pocket, so he turns alone, acoustically, the balloches on the table. Nothing to catch up, nothing to hide possible cracks. Exercise even more daring for a guy in a fluctuating state. Well this time, he will put everyone in agreement, excellent as rarely! From the outset he looks fit, awake and clean coming from his usual nonchalant dandy gait. Jeans, Fred Perry polo shirt and straw hat.
It remains to be seen the set. He will announce the color directly by swinging the single of the Libertines “Don’t Look Back In The Sun”. It’s looking great! In voice, full of energy, catchy. The public is blown away and reassured. A track from his solo album then it’s the avalanche. Tubes of the Libertines and Babyshambles as if it were raining. “Time For Heroes”, “Can’t Stand Me Now”, “The Man Who Would Be King”, “Albion”… Pieces still as relevant despite this maximum stripping. Proof of an exceptional quality of writing by the way… The audience takes up the choruses in chorus, the tense atmosphere before the concert mutates into a laughing communion. Mission accomplished. In the end, only two songs from Grace/Wasteland will be played. The rest being made up of covers. First of all, an improvised tribute to Michael Jackson by a “Billy Jean” taken up by the public. Then an English medley with bulk the Specials, Skatalites and a cover of Neil Young. The only shadow in the picture was a duet with Tricky and his painful, weak and unbearable voice… Very good 16/20 by Abe-sapien

Eurockeennes takes place on the weekend of Friday srd until Sunday 5th July and takes place on the peninsula of Malsaucy near Belfort in France.

The festival has two open stages one of which is on the beach, two marquees and a sound system.

The acts confirmed are:

Wednesday 3rd July

The Prodigy, Ntm, The Ting Tings, The Kills, Ghinzu, Sefyu, Les Wampas, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Oxmo Puccino, Emiliana Torrini, Rye Rye, Crookers |Diplo, La Roux, Khing Khan & The Shrines, Hockey, Alela Diane, Monotonix, Danananakroyd, Noisettes, Rolo Tomassi, Naïve New Beaters, The Bronx, Kap Bambino, Asher Sound System, Chapelier Fou, The Feeling Of Love.

Saturday 4th July

Kanye West, Tricky, Peter Doherty, Olivia Ruiz, Birdy Nam Nam, Groundation, Airbourne, Peter Bjorn & John, The Asteroïds Galaxy Tour, Sophie Hunger, Yuksek, Amanda Blank, Magistrates, Friendly Fires, Nneka, Passion Pit, Torche, Monotonix, Kylesa, The Temper Trap, Asher Sound System, Lauter, Schwefelgelb, Solange La Frange.

Sunday 5th July

Slipknot, Phoenix, Laurent Garnier, Charlie Winston, Gojira, Mos Def Live Band, Rodrigo Y Gabriella, Glasvegas, Stuck In The Sound, The Inspector Cluzo Blues, Just Jack, Tinariwen, Zone Libre V/S Hame & Casey, Staff Benda Bilili, Sliimy, Monotonix, Invincible, Florence & The Machine, Sleepy Sun, The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, Asher Sound System, Jaromil, Electrons Libres.

Tickets are priced at 37 euros a day (approx £37) or 95 euros (approx £84) for the weekend. To buy tickets, click here.

On Friday doors open at 4pm, with performances begin at 5pm and ends at 3am (next day). On Saturday doors open at 3pm, with performances begin at 4pm and ends at 3am (next day). On Sunday doors open at 2pm, with performances begin at 3pm and ends at 1am (next day). This event has no age restriction or dress code and all attendees must purchase a full price ticket. There are numerous food and drink stalls filled with a wide variety of different things to tempt your taste-buds.

The campsite is located a short walk along a disused rail line from the festival site although shuttle buses run regularly for those who don’t fancy the stroll. The camping is organised and there are plenty of facilities, entertainment and dancing.

Peter Doherty – 2008-06-17 – The Mass, Brixton

Just under 3 and a half hours this must be Peter’s longest concert ever!


1 [intro] 0:42
2 Out on the Weekend (Neil Young cover) 3:06
3 Pipey Magraw [Monkey Casino] 3:34
4 [intermission] 1:22
5 Never Never 2:42
6 Tell the king 4:19
7 Dilly Boys / Don’t Be Shy 3:37
8 The Ballad Of Grimaldi 10:22
9 Albion 6:46
10 Lost art of murder 6:58
11 Delivery 4:37
12 Salomé 3:28
13 I Love You (But You’re Green) 6:20
14 You’re my Waterloo 4:05
15 Who’s got the crack? (Moldy Peaches cover) 1:30
16 Time for Heroes 3:47
17 Can’t stand me now 3:58
18 [intermission] 0:58
19 The Delaney 6:10
20 Death on the stairs / France 5:04
21 Good Old Days 2:54
22 Do You Know Me 3:02
23 Skeepskin Tearaway [intro] 2:27
24 Sweet By & By (a.k.a. Why did you go home) 2:10
25 [discussions] 4:23
26 Music when the lights go out 4:02
27 [discussions] 2:15
28 What Katie Did 4:17
29 [discussions] 2:15
30 Don’t look back into the sun 4:09
31 Black Boy Lane 3:41
32 [intermission] 0:32
33 For Lovers (With Piano) 9:57
34 Waterfall (Stone Roses cover) (With Piano) 2:40
35 Back from the dead (With Piano) 4:27
36 Unbilotitled (With Piano) 5:39
37 East of Eden (With Piano & Harmonica) 5:59
38 [intermission] 0:31
39 What a waster 3:55
40 Love Rain O’er Me 2:22
41 There She Goes (A Little Heartache) 4:49
42 Suicide in the Trenches 0:50
43 Ha Ha Wall 2:44
44 Hooray for the 21st century 2:58
45 [intermission] 0:52
46 My darling Clementine 5:24
47 Up The Bracket 4:21
48 Radio America 4:47
49 [intermission] 0:05
50 Through the looking glass 2:47
51 Carry up on the morning 3:02
52 [audience] 10:05

NME Review

I’m sorry I’m late, but I’ve got a blinding excuse,” he joked. “I, er, my escort died of an overdose. No, erm, I broke my crucifix, that’s it!” He then played human beatbox and soundchecked by playing ‘Out on the Weekend’ by Neil Young. Peter interacted with fans a great deal during the gig, stepping from the stage to chat, take song requests and pose for photos throughout the night. He took four breaks during the gig to allow fans to have cigarettes outside.
After playing ‘The Ballad Of Grimaldi’, Peter hauled a fan up onstage and had a pop at him about chatting through the set.
“Do you wanna hear some tunes?” he asked the fan, who replied, “yeah, I wanna hear some tunes from you.”
Peter replied by saying, “well, all I hear is you talking about some bird!”, prompting laughter from the audience.
Later in the set, after covering ‘Who’s Got The Crack?’ by The Moldy Peaches, Doherty discussed Dirty Pretty Things – the band his former Libertines bandmates Carl Barat and Gary Powell are currently in.
“I’ve tried to go and see Dirty Pretty Things twice,” he said, “but I got nicked on the way to both. I’d like to dedicate this song to Carlos Barat.” He then played ‘You’re My Waterloo’.
Later in the set, Doherty was joined onstage by Wass, who played harmonica, and keyboardist Peter De Havilland, who aided the singer/guitarist in playing songs including ‘Back From The Dead’ and ‘UnBilotitled’.
He ended the gig at 3:15am by playing Babyshambles’ ‘Carry On Up The Morning’ before being driven back to his Wiltshire home.


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